Wednesday, April 17, 2019

7 Months ALREADY?!

Wow….time really does fly by when you have a kiddo! I cannot believe that my little bug is going to be 7 months old in just a few days!! So much has happened and he has gotten so big right in front of my eyes, it’s crazy! Seeing as how my last update was in January, I have a lot to catch up on!

Rylan is doing fantastic! He is gaining weight and getting bigger by the day. He is 15 pounds and 25 and a half inches long! He is in size 6-9 month clothes and is officially now in the 4th percentile! YAY! Developmentally he is doing great! He babbles a lot and is full of smiles and giggles. He is also getting some great belly laughs in. He plays little games with us like peek-a-boo,  and a sweet but slightly annoying fake cough thing he started a few weeks ago! He can almost sit up unassisted, and he loves tummy time but it still a ways away from crawling. However, he is right on the cusp of rolling over! He has developed attachments to a few of his favorite things! He loves his binky, it is his buddy. He will suck on it and then play with it and chew on it like he is a puppy, it is so freaking cute! We added a pacifier clip to it and he loves it. He loves to have soft things by his face when he sleeps. I think it was from when he was in the womb, but that is the one sure way to get him to sleep. He loves this little crinkle Llama book squeaker toy thing. He can spend an hour on it and still love it the next time he sees it. One of his absolute favorite things is this Finding Nemo play mat that lights up and sings. He really could spend forever under there. Money well spent!

Medically, Rylan is doing good, but gearing up for some changes in the near future! We have a repeat swallow study scheduled May 30th to see if he can start solids! I am hoping and praying daily that he can and that he passes! And in July, he will have surgery to bring down his undescended testicles. Poor little man has had a rough start in life, but man is he a trooper! That little guy is so strong and impresses me every day! I am so proud to be his mommy!

For the rest of the family, we are doing amazing! In May, my stepdaughter will be graduating 5th grade and will be going into middle school! AHHHH! INSANE! For a birthday and life celebration, we are taking her and Rylan to Disneyland and Universal Studios at the end of May. We are all so excited! We haven’t told her yet, but will be telling her on her birthday on the 23rd. D has been doing great at his job and recently got a promotion. I have been remaining active in my job and have been busy with that and the kiddos. Life has been crazy and busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I am so excited for the next few months and can’t wait to experience all of the wonderful things that little man brings to our life!

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