Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Feeling Good!

Just finished reading the last blog I posted, and wow, my mood has completely changed. I was definitely going through a funk a while ago. I am happy to say, I am out of that! The last month or so has been crazy busy. D changed jobs, and this one sounds wonderful, and I am hoping works out for him. He really deserves to have a job that appreciates who he is and showcases his potential. D’s daughter A has been doing rehearsals for a play about 2 to 3 times per week. We are a busy family! A’s mom, who is probably my least favorite person in the world, has been messing up so much that she is pretty much ensuring that she remains an every-other weekend Mom.This summer has kept me very busy! And I am sure the school season will be nothing less than busy. I volunteered to be a Brownie leader for A’s troop. I am super excited to take this on as I have loved teaching for such a long time, but the jump in pay is pretty massive, so it is nice to be able to keep my current job and teach at the same time!

Speaking of jobs….the reason I wanted to make a post was something that I did that I am quite proud of. A few months ago, we had these employee survey’s that came out that were to measure our thoughts of being an employee at my company. At the end of the survey was a box that was to be used for suggestions on what we thought would make the company better. Something told me to put a specific suggestion in the box, so I did. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted my suggestion to be more than just that, more than just a small comment on a survey. So, I did some research, created a whole presentation, and took it to my GM. I wanted to ask my company to consider adding Comprehensive Fertility Benefits to our benefits package. Much to my surprise, he thought it was a great idea and let me send it to our corporate HR representative for consideration. About an hour or so after I sent it to her, I got a call. She thought it was great and told me she just put in a request to the insurance company to see what it would cost. I was thrilled! It doesn't mean it will for sure happen, but just to have it considered is HUGE! Not only could it change my life, but it could potentially change the life of many others! So I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed and saying tons of prayers that this is more than a consideration, that we get a real change!

All in all, there have been many positive changes going on. I am even more excited than ever to see what the future holds! Remaining positive and hopeful! Much love and here’s to more good news coming your way!