Thursday, June 11, 2015

Yet Another Ride Around the Fertility Roller Coaster!

So since the last time I have posted, life decided to throw some more curve balls my way! I thought all was good to go for my first IUI, but of course, nothing goes according to plan. I went in for CD10 scan to see how my follicles are developing. I had to see the other doctor as mine had the day off. I propped myself up on that table and she went to town on the ultrasound. She finished and told me that I had 2 follicles on my left side that were a bit small (8mm & 9mm) but I had a really great one on my right side that was measuring 13mm. One problem, I don’t have a fallopian tube on my right side! I asked her about that and her expression changed. She grabbed my file, looked it over and said for me to come back in 3 days to see if by change the ones on my left had grown. Flash forward to 3 days later, and just like clockwork, the bad news came rolling in. The one on my right grew to 18mm but the ones on my left didn’t move much at all. I was so disappointed! I asked her how likely it is and asked her if I should do it or not. She said that there was a small chance that my left tube could pick up that egg, but since I was paying for it out of pocket, she told me to save my money and try for it next month. She did however recommend doing a trigger shot/Ovidrel on CD14 and timing sex for the next few days and hope for the best!

So here is where we are at today: Today is CD19 and I am currently on the two week wait. Honestly, I don’t expect anything to happen. Just seems too far out of the realm of possibility. It would be a huge surprise if it happened, but I am not hopeful. What I am hopeful for is to try again next month. New month, new hopes, positive outlook, and praying for the left side to win the draw this time! What I am happy and proud of myself for is being able to give myself that damn injection. I have never had to inject myself before, and it was freaking intense. When all was said and done, it wasn’t too bad. Not my favorite thing, but actually a whole lot better than the Crinone cream surprisingly!

This fertility journey has been nothing short of stressful, exhausting and frustrating, but I know it will be worth it all! I do believe I will be pregnant, just gotta keep trying! So that’s my crazy update thus far, and I have a feeling there will be MUCH more to come!