Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The time has come

It’s show time! My head is spinning right now and I cannot stop smiling! I am officially starting my first IUI! It is so surreal, I can’t express into words how I am feeling! Last month, I went in for my preliminary ultrasound and they found a 30mm cyst on my left ovary, so they cancelled the IUI. I was thoroughly bummed about that, but I kept my head up and hoped for the best. Mid-cycle, I had quite a bit of cramping, and it was so hard not to fear the worst, that my cyst was growing. I knew that my period was right around the corner, so I decided to wait and see what the doctor said before making another appointment. I went in this morning wearing my ‘Hope is all you need’ shirt just for good measure. I took my place on the table, and held my breath as she looked around at everything during the ultrasound. After a long silence, she told me that it shrunk to just under 12mm, and it looked small enough for us to proceed as long as my estrogen levels came back normal. Since 8 this morning, I have been hoping and praying that my levels came back good enough, and trying to push all of the negative thoughts away from my mind. I got the call a half an hour ago that my levels look good, and I am all clear to start the Letrozole! I will be taking the Letrozole for the next five days starting tonight. Next Tuesday I have another ultrasound scheduled to check on my follicles and their size. If all looks good, within the next 2 weeks, we will actually be doing the IUI! I have never been this close to potentially becoming pregnant before! I am beyond excited to have this opportunity and as equally scared! I will be sure to update as I start this crazy journey! Here is hoping there will be a wee one in the near future!