Wednesday, March 25, 2015

One Step Closer On This Long Journey

Well, one of the hard parts is done and over with, thank God! I went up a few weeks ago and had my Hysteroscopy done. I will say, it took way less time than I thought, but was a lot more painful than I had imagined. The procedure itself was extremely invasive and ‘uncomfortable’, as my doctor likes to put it. But, they got everything and the doctor performing the procedure said everything else looks normal! As soon as I left the facility, I cried. I had this overwhelming emotion take over my entire body that was relief mixed with happiness. I actually felt one giant step closer to becoming pregnant! That really was the icing on the cake to a wonderful weekend. Beforehand, my mother, D and I went up to Denver for the night and had a blast. We picked this awesome hotel that was in this up and coming area with a great shopping complex a few blocks away. We went shopping, ate munchies in our room, attended the happy hour with free food and drink in the hotel lobby, went swimming, watched movies, and awoke to a full breakfast bar and an extended check out time. I was feeling anxious and relaxed at the same time! When we got back home, I got pampered while laying in bed watching TV and reading. It was great, though not that I ever want to repeat that procedure again! So now, we wait, until next Thursday that it. I have my appointment scheduled for April 2nd to go over all of mine and D’s tests and make a game plan for what to do next. I am equally nervous and excited! Hope all goes well and we can start something soon! Ahhh!! This is all so surreal! Makes me smile!

Things outside of the baby realm have been pretty good as well, just a bit crazy and busy, but I like it! At work, we moved into a new building that has been an adjustment, but allowed for some pretty awesome redecorating! I also had some surprise visitors last weekend, my family! My Aunt, Cousin, her 2 kids, and my Grandma came down from Arizona and spent 4 days with us. It got a little crazy at times, but all in all, it was a pretty great visit! Life has been pretty great, can’t complain too much, just hoping it stays this way, I could get used to feeling this happy and hopeful! :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Test, Result, Repeat

Been a pretty crazy week, it's only Monday but wishing it were Friday already! Work has kept me on my toes the past few weeks, but hoping for a bit of  a slowdown. Had a pretty good week last week as far as baby making goes. Went in for some tests and discovered that I actually ovulate on my own! I was shocked to say the least! My prior OB had me convinced that I do not ovulate on my own and that I also have a Luteal Phase Defect, which I do not! Terrible doctor I never plan to go back to! I got the call a few days after my Day 21 test, and when she told me, I just cried! This was incredible news! We also received word that D's test came back great as well, though I already knew that since he has children, but was nice to know that he still has some good swimmers! And, I had my ultrasound that confirmed that I do in fact have both Kidneys! Feeling more complete than before! Now we move on to the next phase, my Hysteroscopy. I am going in a week from today to have the mass in my uterus removed. I am extremely nervous about how much pain this will cause. My doctor lovingly tells me it will be 'slightly more uncomfortable than the HSG'. If she thinks the HSG was only uncomfortable, I am terrified at what she considers to be painful! But I know that pain is only temporary and if this is what it takes to get me nice and preggo, I can deal with it! So that is where we currently stand with all of this. Once I have the Hysteroscopy, we make an appointment to go over all of the results from the multitude of tests taken and make a plan! Very excited to see where this goes! I am beyond blessed to have such a wonderful doctor who truly cares and will help us turn this dream into reality!

As far as normal life is concerned, things are going well! Work is hard but I am loving it! D and I have spent the weekend together shopping and watching movies, I felt so lucky to be snuggled up to this man and just enjoying life! Next weekend, we will take A to go see the Harlem Globetrotters and hopefully to see the new Sponge Bob movie, and then up to Denver we go! Hoping for a good week and a nice relaxing weekend!