Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014....My lucky year (I hope)

It’s officially 2014 and the start of a new year! It’s been so busy in the last few months I have barely had time to sit down and think let alone blog! The holiday season came and went but was actually pretty amazing! Just a short recap of the events:

Thanksgiving was held at my house with invitations sent out to those who didn’t have anywhere to go. Some friends of mine started it a few years back and I thought it was pretty cool so I decided to host this year not knowing that others did the same! It ended up being myself, D and my mom and D’s family. My mom and I did most of the food which was fun….I liked cooking a big dinner with my mom, felt like old times! People came, ate, played games, and created memories. Turned out to be great and a bit chaotic which lead to the decision that Christmas dinner would be low key and simple. We had a lot of holiday parties that we partook in that included a hockey game, a secret Santa party, a massive dinner, and fun gift drop-offs! I was super into the holiday spirit this year! We had a fun Ugly sweater party at work along with a ton of Christmas cookies and random gifts. It really made me fall in love with Christmas all over again! Christmas eve my mom and I played Santa and delivered gifts and then returned home to pick up D and do dinner out. We returned home and cuddled up watching A Christmas Story on repeat until about 10p when we decided to go look at lights. That is my family tradition….I think my mom was genius for coming up with something that exhausted the kids and allowed her to sleep in! We returned back home around midnight and did our gift exchange! We went to bed around 1 and woke up on Christmas at 10…HEAVEN! Made yummy muffins and sipped coffee while watching yet another round of A Christmas Story! It was wonderful and probably one of my favorite Christmas’s yet! New Years Eve was just as great! D and I decided to go out with some of his friends for NYE and do it up in style! We got all dressed up and went out on the town! We arranged a ride so no one had to drink and drive. It was great getting to sip some Jack and Ginger while dancing with my love on the dance floor not caring who was watching! It struck midnight and D scooped me up and we kissed our way into the new year with confetti and streamers flying all around! It was magical! I had so much fun!

Now that all the hoopla is over with and the excitement has died down, it’s now time to return to normal. New year brings new beginnings and I have so many great plans! Now with this being said, I am fully aware that as much as I plan, God always has his own set of plans, and nothing is ever for certain! So I am going into this with an open mind! D and I are going to Vegas with some friends in February, and I am super excited and very much looking forward to it! Can’t wait! After that, I think we are going to start TTC….again, this is if things go according to plan! Nothing in my life has gone according to plan, and I tried like hell to make it go, but it’s gone pretty well thus far, so I have faith. I know TTC with someone I have only known a year (9 days will be a year!!) sounds crazy, but it feels right. I rarely act on impulse, and this has been something in the works for a bit, but the timing just feels right! I really can’t wait to see what this year has in store…I’m sure it will be nothing short of chaotic, just hoping something good comes from it!